Take the First Step

We recognize that home is not a safe place for everyone.
You are not alone.
We believe you, and are here to help.

How We Help

The Second Step is a community of survivors, advocates, and volunteers who foster the safety, stability, and well-being of those who have experienced domestic violence. We provide comprehensive services, including safety planning, legal advocacy, counseling, peer support, transitional housing, and other essential services to adults, youth, and children in Greater Boston and MetroWest.

About Domestic Violence

Domestic violence (DV)—also called relationship abuse, intimate partner violence, or dating violence—is a pattern of coercive control within a relationship, especially an intimate relationship. If you suspect you might be in an abusive relationship, contact an advocate at The Second Step to discuss your options and plan for your safety.
About Us
Since 1992, The Second Step has partnered with thousands of survivors to address the aftermath of abuse and build brighter futures for themselves and their children.
Get Involved
We rely on our community to help survivors of domestic violence reach safety, stability, and well-being. Your contribution to this effort is critical.

Speak with an advocate today.

Call us at 617-965-2538

    Please let us know how to safely contact you.