If you suspect you might be in an abusive relationship, contact an advocate to discuss your options and plan for your safety. Make a plan before you leave, if at all possible. Leaving an abusive relationship is a very dangerous time, with a higher-than-average risk of escalated violence.
Because isolation is both a tactic and consequence of abuse, it’s important that they know you are there for them, that you believe them, and that they are not alone. An advocate at The Second Step can help you find ways to support them without making their situation even more difficult.
It can be very scary when we suspect or know that someone we love or care about is in an abusive relationship. It is natural to want to rush in to help and support them the best we can. We may have challenging emotions ourselves including anger, fear, helplessness, sadness, and fatigue. Although we might want to, we cannot single-handedly extract our loved ones from abusive relationships. Here is what you can do to support them:
If you need help supporting your loved one, an advocate can provide you with emotional support and guide you to helpful resources such as Family and Friends’ Guide to Domestic Violence: How to Listen, Talk and Take Action When Someone You Care About is Being Abused.
If you’d like to speak with an advocate now, please contact The Second Step at 617-965-3999.
Below are links to flyers and forms that are available for outside support.
If there are other needed resources please contact an advocate at 617-965-2538.
CAN-DO has opened a VITA site to help Newton residents and surrounding communities by offering free tax returns. Please see flyers below for more information.
Safety Net develops and maintains educational resources, apps, and toolkits for survivors and professionals working with survivors focusing on understanding tech abuse and the strategic use of technology to increase and maintain safety and privacy.
Developed by Nikia Bodden, Director of Transitional Living programs in coordination with Piltch Associates, MassHousing, and Casa Myrna, this guide is designed for advocates working with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault who are seeking assistance with locating and obtaining permanent affordable housing in Massachusetts. The intent of this guide is not to make you an expert on all the federal and state housing programs. Rather, it is to provide basic information on key affordable housing programs and on the application process for obtaining affordable housing.
Call us at 617-965-2538